British airways hackathon


British Airways

British Airways





2 days




I collaborated in a 2 day sprint to develop a digital solution for British Airways, aiming to boost premium seat purchases among younger leisure travellers in 2023.

British airways hackathon


British Airways





2 days




I collaborated in a 2 day sprint to develop a digital solution for British Airways, aiming to boost premium seat purchases among younger leisure travellers in 2023.

British airways hackathon


British Airways





2 days




I collaborated in a 2 day sprint to develop a digital solution for British Airways, aiming to boost premium seat purchases among younger leisure travellers in 2023.

The team

Our team consisted of two Designers, one Data Scientist and three Engineers.

Vivian Bastos
Software Engineer

Margaret Kaminska
Software Engineer

Vivien Eck-Haffner
Software Engineer

Caroline Jaworsky
UX/UI Designer

Emmanuelle Chazarin
UX/UI Designer

Mariia Shapovalova
Data Scientist

Vivian Bastos
Software Engineer

Margaret Kaminska
Software Engineer

Vivien Eck-Haffner
Software Engineer

Problem space

Increase the proportion of British Airways premium seats purchased by leisure younger customers in 2023.

Research Insights

Our first step in tacking this problem was to do research, Maria - the data scientist was trying to find and analyse data sets and designers together with the engineers dove into the secondary research. All finding were shared with the group and discussed.

Databases revealed that:

Younger people are less likely
to fly in Premium Cabins

Younger people are less likely to fly in Premium Cabins

Younger people are significantly less likely to be part of loyalty programmes

Key insights

Visual impact on decision making 

Research has shown that visuals can have a powerful impact on our decision-making processes, particularly among younger audiences. In fact, studies have demonstrated that people are more likely to engage with and respond to products that include compelling visuals.

Value of personalisation

Moreover, we discovered that what really matters for young people is personalised experience. 75% of Gen Z said they are more likely to pay for a product if they can customise it. By leveraging personalisation tools and techniques British Airways can built customer loyalty.

Rewards systems

Lastly, people love chasing rewards and the thrill that accompanies the experience of being rewarded. When we encounter a rewarding experience, our brains release dopamine, which triggers a desire to repeat the behaviour in order to recapture that pleasurable sensation.

Rewards systems

Lastly, people love chasing rewards and the thrill that accompanies the experience of being rewarded. When we encounter a rewarding experience, our brains release dopamine, which triggers a desire to repeat the behaviour in order to recapture that pleasurable sensation.

Proto persona

As a young British Airways customer who loves to travel, Jessica represents a key segment of the airline's target market.

Jessica normally flies economy as she likes value for money and is not fully aware of all the perks and amenities that British Airways offers in the premium cabins.

Jessica, however, loves a personalised experience and craves a touch of luxury every now and then. We therefore believed that the airline could potentially win her and customers like her over.

Jessica Miller

Finance Analyst, £80,000/year


Travel enthusiast
BA customer
Willing to pay extra for a personalised experience


Wants to feel valued as a customer

Pain points

She is not aware of all the benefits that airlines could offer her


HMW make premium benefits more discoverable and appealing for young British Airways customers so that they will book Club World tickets?


Club World Experience

Firstly, we wanted to immerse the customer in the luxury of the World Club from the very moment they entered the booking site. We aimed to ignite a desire to experience the premium offerings. We designed a visual journey that would captivate customers senses and showcase the exceptional range of premium services.

Highlight Rewards

Secondly, we front-loaded the rewards system and translated it into tangible benefits to visualise the value of the loyalty program. Customised suggestions on how to redeem avios were added based on each customer's profile preferences to enhance the booking experience and captivate their attention.


Finally, we aimed to create a truly personalised experience for our customers by offering custom add-ons based on their individual preferences. By incorporating these suggestions customers could feel heard and valued, enabling to create an exceptional and memorable experience for them.

Rewards systems

Lastly, people love chasing rewards and the thrill that accompanies the experience of being rewarded. When we encounter a rewarding experience, our brains release dopamine, which triggers a desire to repeat the behaviour in order to recapture that pleasurable sensation.

These are the changes we made to enhance the British Airways booking system and encourage more young customers to purchase premium options.

Search results
Cards expanded
Personalised requests

These are the changes we made to enhance the British Airways booking system and encourage more young customers to purchase premium options.

Looking forward

As per the data analysis, we observed that different generations tend to prioritise airline benefits differently. In order to cater to the younger generation, it might be beneficial to customise the benefits based on the customer's profile preferences. Additionally, arranging the benefits in the order of their value for the particular customer viewing the website could further enhance the appeal of the premium offerings.

Customising benefits offered based on customer profile

Younger generation value airline services differently

Customers numeric reviews categorised by their age groups

Customising word descriptions based on customer profiles

What does this customer category like/dislike about their current class?

'drinks' and 'sleep'

'compensation' and 'pasta'

Customers reviews categorised by their age groups and typical destinations

We planned to leverage NLP to analyse customer reviews and extract language patterns that appear in positive feedback for different age group. By doing so, we aimed to use similar wording and phrases when displaying the benefits of different cabin classes to make them more appealing and relevant to each particular customer.

Thank you for viewing!

Caroline Jaworsky

LET's connect

I find great joy in working with others and testing my skills in new environments. Whether you would like to collaborate on a project or simply want to chat, feel free to reach out to me.

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